Starting from:


BofM Discussions Alpine 1988

Table Of Contents
Discussion 1 The Prophetic Picture
Discussion 2 The Doctrine Of The Fall
Discussion 3 Power Of The Resurrection And Atonement
Discussion 4 Justification And Sanctification
Discussion 5 Calling And Election Sure
Discussion 6 Resurrection And Eternal Judgment
Discussion 7 Alma 33 - 36
Discussion 8 Alma 36 - 38
Discussion 9 Alma 39 - 42
Discussion 10 Alma 43 - 52
Discussion 11 Alma 53 - 63
Discussion 12 Helaman 1 - 6
Discussion 13 Helaman 7 - 12
Discussion 14 Helaman 13 - 16
Discussion 15 III Nephi

This series was given during 1988 in Alpine, Utah as discussions, not as lectures. There was significant interaction with the audience and as such, there were frequent comments and questions from them, most of which were peripheral to the subject being presented. Effort has been made to focus on the subject so most of the comments have simply been deleted. Same has been the case for many of the questions that resulted in tangential discussion that were not relevant to the subject so they have been deleted as well. In some case, the question and answer, though not directly related to what was being discussed at that point, have been placed at the end of the text for the session. In cases where the question was directly related to the subject both the question and the answer have been incorporated into the text without break. Even with all the distractions, Dr. Andrus was particularly good at always coming back to the flow of the theme he was presenting. Also, we have taken some liberty to help with awkward sentence structure and wording. In no case has the theological content been changed. All of this has been done to help with the flow of the ideas and make it easier for the reader to follow. 

Also, acknowledgments to Judy Miller for transcription of the original tapes to text and to David Olsen for editing assistance. LWP––editor