Starting from:


Intelligence of God

     Sometimes we ask the question in our lives, what’s it all about. What’s life all about. 
Where did we come from and where are we going. You get your sleeping bag out in the 
back yard and sleep under the stars. And you say, really, what’s the ball game all about. 
As you look at the manner of light of the whole thing, we’re essentially merely just kind of 
a termite on a little spinning orb out here on the other side of space. As far as the size of 
things are concerned with, we are very, very dismal, we are very small. But in regard to 
the plan of things, that’s another ball game. We are as big as anything you can conceive. 
The day will come when a faithful person, for example, will have more than one galaxy. 
Under your direction as part of your spiritual exaltation to even greater things than that. 
The prophet spoke and referred to it as heavenly things, the heavens could not contain 
the Father, so if he decided to retire and move on to greater things. So, in regard to the 
whole plan of things, there’s a lot of significance to man in regard to the size and order of 
things you see of him.