Starting from:


Joseph Smith The Man & The Seer

Table of Contents
I Joseph Smith the Man. .......................................8
II Other Personality Traits of the Prophet ........21
III Education and Early Experiences. ................36
IV Joseph Smith and the Ministry of Angels. .50
V Joseph Smith the Seer ....................................62
VI Conclusions. ......................................................75

     Few people, even among the Latter-day Saints, possess an adequate picture of Joseph Smith. This work is an effort to let those who knew the Prophet speak for themselves about his appearance, personal traits, and spiritual powers. The Mormon leader spoke modestly and with reserve about his spiritual experiences; and he was in no hurry to rush the account of such incidents into print. A revelation he received referred to the sacredness of spiritual things: “Remember that that which cometh from above is sacred, and must be spoken with care, and by constraint of Spirit.” Another revelation spoke of certain things revealed to the Prophet, and admonished, “Show them not unto any except them that believe.” For these and other reasons, Joseph Smith waited some time to commit to print many of the sacred events that ushered in the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times: and even then he reported but a few of the great manifestations that occurred.

    This work is not an effort to reveal, in such a way as to exploit the phenomenal, certain things that Joseph Smith but modestly alluded to in his history. It is the writer’s hope that as this publication will make more available many little-known incidents that reveal the Prophet’s character and spiritual powers, these incidents will present a more accurate picture of the Mormon leader and point out more clearly the source of his ideas. The evidence presented in this volume indicates the fallacy of certain theories that Joseph Smith was a dreamer, an epileptic. a spiritualist, a mystic, or a deceiver. Many of the Prophet’s associates participated, directly and indirectly, in the revelations, visions, and other spiritual manifestations that he received. They were men of sound minds and of good character. Their testimonies corroborate those of Joseph Smith and prove that the great manifestations he received were not mystical nor deceptive in nature. They, too, saw and bore witness.

     Nowhere else in the annals of history can such evidence be found to support the reality of revelation from God—from a source of enlightened truth that is consistent within itself, uplifting in its power and influence, and demonstrable in the lives of others. When the time comes that skeptics learn of the power of faith and when those who scoff at spiritual truth come to understanding, Joseph Smith will be studied more thoughtfully and considerately by conscientious students.